Corvallis Supervisor Saves the Day During Floods

Eder Perez pulls an innertube full of groceries across a flooded road.

The floods affecting the Corvallis area have resulted in some novel workarounds, including grocery delivery. Comcast supervisor Dennis Boots called technician, Eder Perez, to see if Eder could brave the flooded roads to get to work.  Not only was the flooding keeping him captive in his neighborhood, but the Perez family had run out of some critical grocery items – including toilet paper!

Eder ordered the groceries from Freddie’s, and Dennis secured permission from ODOT to venture beyond the road barrier to deliver the goods.  Eder donned hip-waders and met Dennis with an inner tube and ice chest to get the groceries across the flooded road.  Says Dennis, “If you ever met Eder…well, his smile will getcha.”

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