What Do Cooking Python, Venison Sloppy Joes, and Comcast Have in Common?

The Sporting Chef, Scott Leysath of the Sportsman Channel, will be coming to Portland with his Venison Sloppy Joe recipe as a component of Comcast Cares Day on April 29th this year. Hunt, Fish, Feed is a unique outreach program that taps an underutilized food source – game meat and fish donated by sportsmen – to feed those struggling with hunger across America.
Chef Leysath will join Comcast volunteers and our community partners to provide a fantastic meal at the Portland Rescue Mission. To learn more, enjoy this (half-hour) podcast featuring Chef Leysath and Rebecca Brown, Comcast’s Director of Community Investment. Or if you want to know about cooking python, just listen to the first ten minutes. Listen to the podcast here.
Want to meet the chef who can teach you everything you might want to know about cooking duck, wild pig, and rattlesnake? Join us on April 29th. To register, go to www.ComcastInTheCommunity.com