“Bosnian Beast” Makes a Special Appearance at New Xfinity Store
Clouds parted and the sun shined down on the brand-new Clackamas Town Center Xfinity Store as more than 300 Portland Trailblazer fans wrapped around the block. The red-and-black clad fans were waiting for their chance to meet Trailblazer center, Jusuf Nurkić. Nurkić, known affectionately as the Bosnian Beast, has been off the court since March, being sidelined by an injury to his leg. But judging by the long line of patient supporters, his popularity has not waned. Nurk signed basketballs, photos, jerseys and even shoes. (Only Nikes. He politely declined signing a pair of Adidas.) The crowd, young and old, were all full of anticipation as they moved closer to the front of the line.
There was plenty of entertainment for the crowd as they edged into the store to meet their hero. Trailblazers mascot Blaze made a surprise appearance, prizes were handed out by media partner Z100, and selfies abounded. “I love you!” Shouted 8-year old Matthew Durham after his dad outed him for having “Nurk Fever.”
“It’s a joy to share this one-of-a-kind experience with the community,” said David Hardin, Comcast Oregon/SW Washington marketing specialist. “It was a cool surprise to all of us when Blaze and a member of the Trailblazer Stunt Team showed up—it just added to the festive atmosphere.”
Getting the Bosnian Beast to appear at the Grand Opening of Comcast’s newest Xfinity store was a great way to introduce our products and services to our new neighbors.