Comcast’s RISE Initiative Helps Heroes American Café Weather 2020

“We’re down to 15% of our regular sales,” reports Portland restaurant owner John Jackson.  He opened Heroes American Café in September and was vandalized the next month during the protests that rocked downtown Portland.

Jackson is one of eight Portland recipients of Comcast RISE, a program developed to aid BIPOC-owned small businesses. Jackson is among the 700+ first-round RISE awardees around the nation.

“Receiving support from Comcast RISE might be the thing that keeps us going,” said Jackson. The support he’s referring to will come in the form of free TV advertising which will give Heroes Café its first TV exposure in Portland. “It’ll be a great way to get the word out that we’re still here,” Jackson added.

“It’s encouraging to see Comcast, a leader in technology and entertainment, focus on the economic divide,” said Jackson. “Every bit of assistance makes a difference in helping small businesses like mine survive until things return to normal.”

Jackson started his restaurant after an 11-year stint in the Marine Corps during Desert Storm.  His aim is to bring people together with the power of a meal.  “I named it Heroes American Café to honor all heroes we know: teachers, first responders, veterans.”

“I put two of the things I care about together: those who serve our communities and good food — to create a concept that appeals to all Americans, red or blue,” explained Jackson. “Heroes American Café is a place where we can all come together, have a meal, forget about the world’s problems, and have a few minutes of joy.”

And when Oregonians can be together in one space again, Heroes American Café will be there for us to gather.  “Heroes will survive this,” said Jackson confidently.  In the meantime, you can support Heroes American Café by ordering takeout.

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