Igniting the Power of Youth Through Mentoring at Comcast

Pictured above: Bigs and Littles meeting virtually for Beyond School Walls this past holiday break.
By Cheng Saechao, Comcast Coordinator for Beyond School Walls
Happy National Mentoring Month and 2021! Comcast takes mentoring seriously, seeing it as a way to develop tomorrow’s leaders. We deliver on that commitment across the nation through our Beyond School Walls workplace-based mentoring program. We want to give a BIG THANKS to our volunteer employees, and our partners at Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest, and the team at William Walker Elementary School in Beaverton for supporting Beyond School Walls in Oregon with us. We’re proud to help ignite the power of youth!
During the school year in “normal times,” we typically meet twice a month at a Comcast office for activities and lunch with our 4th graders. These days, the fun is continuing virtually with our Comcast Bigs (mentors) and William Walker Littles (students). Our recent group video meeting was extra fun with everyone “together” again to catch up as a team, learn about the Roblox game, and, to the delight of all, meet a surprise guest, Spork, Little Sister Guadalupe’s guinea pig!
This past holiday season, we were able to provide game boards, gingerbread house kits, and grocery gift cards to our Beyond School Walls families. It’s heartwarming to hear what a difference the program makes – especially during the holidays. One parent noted, “I am so thankful for all the meals, gifts, and the time that my girl’s Big Sister spends with her. It’s been a big blessing.”
“I think mentoring is essential part of growth,” says Big Sister Desiree Herring of Comcast’s sales team. “Naturally, we look up to others and learn and grow with help from peers or leaders, whether with pointed direction or just by observing them. My Little Sister and I have a great time chatting and doing fun activities virtually, like mad libs and crafts. I am so blessed to have been paired with her. She is an amazing girl! I am very grateful for the amazing opportunity to be a mentor to someone—to pay forward the different gifts and pockets of wisdom I have received through my own experiences.”
To Desiree and our Bigs, and all mentors out there, we’re grateful for the gift of your time and commitment. You are having an impact.