Black Heritage Month: Built on Hope

By Amadou Diop, Customer Account Experience Supervisor, Portland OR
Historically known as Black History Month, the annual celebration of achievement is a time for recognizing the central role African Americans have played in U.S. history. At Comcast, we’re calling it Black Heritage Month so that it reflects not only the history of Black Americans but includes the past, present and future.
As an African immigrant this time has a deep meaning for me. Not only did I find a home in the U.S., but a family working at Comcast. Every February I am reminded about the power of equal opportunity.
Opportunity given without prejudice allows great things to occur that benefit each and every one of us. When I joined Comcast two years ago, seeing the diversity in leadership inspired me. From President and Special Counsel to the CEO Steve White to Senior Vice President Marge Jackson, West Division President Rich Jennings and Washington Senior Director Erick Mckinney in Washington –I’ve been given renewed hope. I see hope as motivation, as possibility expanding. Hope is the same thing that the most amazing discoveries and accomplishments were built on. To honor the memory of African Americans who paved the way before me and set an example for generations that come after me—that’s what I hope for.
Every Comcaster, and every human, has unique role to play. We are all paving the way to a future built on diversity, equality, and inclusion.