Snow or Shine, We’re Working to Keep You Connected

With more than 600 technicians out in the field in Oregon/SW Washington on any given day – whatever the weather — Comcast is always working to provide reliable service to our customers. But when Mother Nature frowns on us with a storm, whether its snow, wind, or ice, our techs are prepared to deal with her impacts to restore service absolutely as quickly – and safely – as possible.
When a storm is forecast, we prep our techs’ vehicles with the right gear for the season, including portable generators, chainsaws, tire chains, cleats, flashlights, headlamps, and hand-warmers.
The most frequent cause of service disruptions during storms are fallen tree limbs, which take down power lines. Downed lines can be extremely dangerous, and when Comcast techs are alerted to live downed power lines, they are prohibited from starting repairs until the local power company gives them the OK that it’s safe to enter the affected area.
Working in close collaboration with our local utility partners, our techs work through the very worst weather conditions to ensure your service is repaired speedily so that you can ride out the storm in the comfort and safety of your own home, with internet access for your entertainment and work.
Take a look at this short video to see our storm preparation in action!