Xfinity Ranked Fastest Broadband Provider in Oregon

A photo of a TV, gaming system, and Xfinity router.

XFINITY was the fastest fixed broadband provider in Oregon during Q1 2023 according to the Ookla Speedtest Global Index, which ranks broadband speeds from around the world on a monthly basis:

Comcast customers in Oregon may expect to receive even faster and more reliable service thanks to a $280 million investment by the company this year to offer multi-gigabit Internet speeds to more than four million locations, expand broadband and video services to more than 60,000 additional homes and businesses, and provide donations and in-kind services to communities throughout the Pacific Northwest.

As a part of the investment, Comcast is expanding fiber-rich network improvements that will offer Oregon customers upload speeds up to 10 times faster than the fastest they have now. And the network upgrade will extend throughout Comcast’s service area in Oregon. Once complete, these locations will have the foundational next-generation network in place to introduce new multi-gigabit Internet options.

The first phase of network enhancements is happening now and initially will offer a maximum download speed of 2 Gbps, combined with upload speeds up to 200 Mbps, which is five to 10 times faster than Comcast’s existing upload speeds. Comcast expects that nearly half of the company’s network in Oregon will offer multi-gig Internet speeds by the end of 2023.

Comcast will also expand its network to deliver Xfinity Internet and TV services and Comcast Business Internet services to nearly 60,000 additional homes and businesses, including the rural communities of Eagle Creek, Estacada, Mt. Angel, and Silverton in Oregon.

The network expansion is the latest example of Comcast’s investment to connect more households and businesses in the Pacific Northwest to its Internet services that deliver fast speeds, more reliability, broader coverage in the home, and greater capacity to support customers’ growing Internet usage. Comcast invested more than $500 million in technology and infrastructure investments in Oregon during the previous three years, including network expansion and upgrades.

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