Comcast Surprises Customers with Holiday Joy in Oregon

Every day, our employees make meaningful connections with their customers — and every holiday season, we celebrate these connections with special surprises. We recently surprised customers in the Pacific Northwest with special gifts this holiday season.
Hundreds of our technicians and employees from across the company are given the chance to surprise deserving customers with an extra special gift. Whether it is a longtime loyal customer, or someone who just needed another reason to smile this season, our Spread The Joy effort surprises and delights thousands of customers across the country with heartfelt thanks in the form of flat screen TVs, tablets and gift cards. Each year nominations pour in from our employees – sharing stories of customers who they want to surprise with a special gift.
We were able to capture some of the joy with photos of wonderful customers in Eugene and Oregon City.

Happy holidays to all our customers throughout the region! #SpreadTheJoy #HappyHolidays