Meet Charlie: Salem’s Own Tech Hero

“I want to work for Comcast when I grow up.” Not something you expect to hear from a 6-year old, right? But that’s what Comcast Tech Charlie Tribbey heard from her daughter, and it’s what her daughter told her whole kindergarten class.
Charlie is a tech supervisor, a mother of two and the wife of a Comcast Technician—and she loves her job. She grew up outside of Salem, where she remains an active member of her community. She volunteers at Myers Elementary weekly and volunteers at Under the Bridge, which prepares meals and serves them to the homeless.
For those trying to find Charlie on email, you’ll quickly discover that her real first name is Elizabeth. “Elizabeth is my mother’s name, so I always went by my middle name Charleen. “Charlie Brown” was my nickname growing up and the Charlie stuck,” she says with a laugh.
She first learned about a tech job at Comcast while in high school, when a mentor told her about the position. At the time, she wasn’t even sure if women could hold the position (they can, and do!).
While she’d never used a power tool or climbed a ladder when she joined Comcast, Charlie felt confident in her customer service skills and identified with Comcast’s dedication to customer experience. “They took a chance on me,” she says with a sense of amazement that remains with her 13 years later.
It wasn’t long before she was a pro, and she was surprised to find much more than just a job – and a life partner – at Comcast.
“Sure, people come for the job security, competitive pay and benefits,” says Charlie. “But once I started, it was really the people I work with that made the difference. The people I’ve worked with from the time I started to today — they’re doing this work for the right reasons.”
There are about 600 Comcast technicians like Charlie working in our customers’ homes every day throughout Oregon and SW Washington.
“It’s been such a joy to do something that I love to do, while providing for my family,” said Tribbey.